for(let a = 1, b = a; 0;); // NG (a is not defined) for(var a = 1, b = a; 0;); // OK let(a = 1, b = a){} // NG (a is not defined) let(a = 1, b = a) 0 // NG (a is not defined) { let a = 1, b = a } // OK (!) { var a = 1, b = a } // OK [http:…
Things unlisted in the Release Note. Utils log(), signHMAC(), dump(), clipboard, json, OS Improved tabs, history Focus control with openUrlInBrowser() Extra arguments of setTimeout() Faster trim() CmdUtils absUrl(), previewList(), onUbiqui…
次パーサで必要になったので弾さんの Regexp::Trie を JS1.8 に拝借した。 http://gist.github.com/130917欲しい機能を若干追加したとこ以外はほぼ逐語訳できたと思う。
var a = []; for each(let i in '123') a.push(function() i); [f() for each(f in a)] // => ["3", "3", "3"] ["1", "2", "3"] となりそうでならない。 for(let k in o); // ↓ The scope of for-let lies *out* of the loop block. { let k; for(k in o); }…